Mutual Fund – Direct Plan

monpThere are two modes of investing in mutual fund; Through “Regular plan” or “Direct plans”. In a Regular plan, there is always a broker involved, and Mutual fund houses give out various kinds of commissions to these brokers.

I will focus on one type of commision called “Trail commission”. For more details on comission strucuture read this article. I want to focus on trail commission, because this is like a slow poison. Continue reading “Mutual Fund – Direct Plan”

Net Neutrality (Do we understand it!)

Over the past few months everyone seems to have some opinion about this; but I haven’t seen anyone explaining the concept from ground-up. Most arguments seemed one sided. So I thought, why don’t I give it a shot to analyze this from ground-up, and see what it really means. (From First Principles in Elon Musk’s words)

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Digital Navigation Assistants (DNAs)

Someday, I want to experience the gorgeous salt flats of “Salar di Uyuni, Bolivia“. (Google for images if you haven’t heard of the place! Its out of the world). Lets assume I am in Uyuni. When the dusk casts its cold dark blanket, how do I find the nearest shelter? Can someone help me out? Odds are that my phone would be more reliable and helpful, than its creators!

More specifically, I am talking about the creatures called Digital Navigation Assistants(ah! the short form sounds cool. Lets call it DNA from now) who dwell in these phones.
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The ubiquitous unintentional leverage

Have you ever wondered what the net return from a real estate investment is? I bet you did at some point like I did at multiple junctures. Armed with google, I searched the net but in vain. The closest analysis I could find is that for lumpsum investment, like this article. But we are not HNIs and hence have to opt for loan. What is the net return when you purchase a real estate through EMIs is the unanswered question and here is my attempt to find an answer for this.

Continue reading “The ubiquitous unintentional leverage”

Innovation is essential..

Many of you would have heard of Darwin’s theory,  “Survival of the fittest”. In the business world, innovation becomes a key part of this fitness. Many organizations have faltered even after being financially and influentially extremely powerful, just because they weren’t innovating enough; more so when the organization is in the product space than in the service space. Many great personalities including Steve Jobs have consistently iterated that Innovation is key to survival of businesses and I cant think otherwise.
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The pretty devil..

Humans and animals in general are endowed with the inherent ability to sense threat by intution. However, this armour of nature is rendered useless when the enemy employs camouflage. Complacency is one of such kind.

Haven’t you been in a situation where everything seemed to be the way you always wanted it to be, only to realize a giant surprize you have never seen before, waiting ahead for you. I bet many of you could relate to. Some wise person quoted “If you find no obstacles in your path, you are probably heading the wrong way!”
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I scream, Ice-Cream..

Ice-creams did exist even before the freezers came into existence. The earliest ice-cream is dated back to 4th century B.C. Some of the earliest ice-creams were created by flavouring snow, mixing grape juice with snow, serving fruits over ice chunks from alps etc.

It is only later in the 18th century, milk became a major ingredient. Today, except for a few premium ones, every other ice-cream is predominently milk based. Over years, the evolution of ice-creams have come a long way; and today we have different types of ice-creams:
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Life of a Software..

A software is a life created by humans, which lives on ventilators till its death. The programmers are the creators, and the adopters provide the ventilators. Apart from these, there are a third set of people in a software’s life. These are the care takers, who ensure the availability of sufficient number of ventilators.

The creators infuse life into the software by imbibing limited thinking capacity into them. The kind of thinking capacity and the quality of thinking, gives a distinct personality to different softwares. Each software’s breathing ability is differnt too, and so are the dependency on breathing aids.
Continue reading “Life of a Software..”