Digital Navigation Assistants (DNAs)

Someday, I want to experience the gorgeous salt flats of “Salar di Uyuni, Bolivia“. (Google for images if you haven’t heard of the place! Its out of the world). Lets assume I am in Uyuni. When the dusk casts its cold dark blanket, how do I find the nearest shelter? Can someone help me out? Odds are that my phone would be more reliable and helpful, than its creators!

More specifically, I am talking about the creatures called Digital Navigation Assistants(ah! the short form sounds cool. Lets call it DNA from now) who dwell in these phones.
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Macbook(Apple) deserves its aura

Every product has its strengths and weaknesses. It also has its specific target market segment; size discounted. Apple products in my opinion are targeted towards a demographics appreciative of good design. Within this targeted market Apple seems to be uncontested. In this post I will talk about Macbook pro.
Continue reading “Macbook(Apple) deserves its aura”

Consultation – path to an expert solution. Really!!

Consultation is the better-off cousin of delegation. I would believe, consultation would have been in existence from the moment the emotion “fear” came into existence. Consultation does have quite a few allies too, such as laziness and some other sociological behaviours.

Ofcourse, in some cases it sure is a path to an expert solution; else its existence itself would have been threatened. The golden goose is not killed, but is fed just enough to lay the golden egg. Well, the primary school lessons did not go waste. Continue reading “Consultation – path to an expert solution. Really!!”