Yellow is in; again..

Its not unusual for fashion to tred a cyclic path. Looks like investments too are following suit. The lure for the yellow metal is growing more intense day by day.

Gold was one of the earliest means to represent wealth. Then came the currency, and along came a slew of financial products; some as exotic as the Galapagos. However, few products came with the fine print “Handle with care”. Some products such as the “Credit Default Swaps” were powerful enough to shake few economies. These days, fear of bond yields sky rocketting is not difficult to find. And faith in the currencies is begining to falter. Few veterans went so far, that they speculated a war of currencies. In the show, “Who is the next Global Idol”, first was the Euro’s dance of defence. Then the Dollar’s. And backstage was the yellow metal’s dance of victory. Continue reading “Yellow is in; again..”