Net Neutrality (Do we understand it!)

Over the past few months everyone seems to have some opinion about this; but I haven’t seen anyone explaining the concept from ground-up. Most arguments seemed one sided. So I thought, why don’t I give it a shot to analyze this from ground-up, and see what it really means. (From First Principles in Elon Musk’s words)

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Digital Navigation Assistants (DNAs)

Someday, I want to experience the gorgeous salt flats of “Salar di Uyuni, Bolivia“. (Google for images if you haven’t heard of the place! Its out of the world). Lets assume I am in Uyuni. When the dusk casts its cold dark blanket, how do I find the nearest shelter? Can someone help me out? Odds are that my phone would be more reliable and helpful, than its creators!

More specifically, I am talking about the creatures called Digital Navigation Assistants(ah! the short form sounds cool. Lets call it DNA from now) who dwell in these phones.
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Life of a Software..

A software is a life created by humans, which lives on ventilators till its death. The programmers are the creators, and the adopters provide the ventilators. Apart from these, there are a third set of people in a software’s life. These are the care takers, who ensure the availability of sufficient number of ventilators.

The creators infuse life into the software by imbibing limited thinking capacity into them. The kind of thinking capacity and the quality of thinking, gives a distinct personality to different softwares. Each software’s breathing ability is differnt too, and so are the dependency on breathing aids.
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